How To Avoid Being Sued For Medical Malpractice Why males over females, male physicians general surgeons or Ob's can have more tunnel vision and be seen as less caring. Meaning they concentrate
ACO (Accountable Care Organization): Nothing New… It’s A Senior Capitated PHO/IPA Rebranded There is one good idea in the healthcare reform, ACO's are ( as proposed) integrated systems where providers and facilities work in tandem to
Loss-Run Requirement Reduced to Seven Years This blog post was written by Norcal Mutual The norm for the industry’s medical malpractice insurance underwriting is to ask for ten years claims
Basic 101 of Insurance Liability Coverage Basic 101 of Errors and Omissions Basic 101 of Professional Liability Basic 101 of Malpractice Insurance
You Have Been Sued for Medical Malpractice. Now What? The Do's and Dont's of a Medical Malpractice Claim.
5 Ways to Minimize Your Malpractice Liability for an HMO Most HMO’s, non staff model, get sued for medical malpractice via vicarious liability. Most HMO’s, non staff model, get sued for medical malpractice via
Tech E&O Insurance is Not Just for Tech Companies Based on the above title, you are probably scratching your head and asking what does this mean. Tech Errors and Omissions was created as
You May Need Employment Practices Insurance, but Can You Still Get it in California? You may need Employment Practices Insurance, but can you still get it in California?
Why Do You Need E&O + D&O and Tech + Privacy Breach E&O Insurance? Why do you need E and O and D and O, and Tech and Privacy Breach E and O insurance